Category: Live Tournaments

  • Ludwigshaven 2023

    Saturday 8 July 2023 the first tournament was held in Ludwigshaven, Germany. Organized by the Hangg Family, inviting the players as guests, 19 players from all parts of Germany and from Belgium and The Netherlands gathered for a 6 round tournament followed by a BBQ in the garden. Dieter Krapp, Stradev (Stratego Germany Association), brought […]

  • The Belgians Are Back

    Saturday 10 June 2023, The Flanders Open Championship was held in Antwerp. In the internaat on Linkeroever, very close to the river Schelde and the city center, the first tournament in Belgium since the corona stops was organized. Players from Flanders and Wallonia country as well as some Dutch players attended this tournament. Twelve players […]